for this GE, it is gonna be very interesting. Property price drops, council services disruption etc etc, is this a likely scenario? Do not forget the system is all executed by GROs, authorities, ministries… all the public servants of Singapore…..tens of thousands of them…..they do not evaporate over night nor over time. All need their jobs and courage to move forward.

Do we need a more balanced opinions in Parliament? The elected MPs represent your voice. If commoners’ voice are not heard…. Is it still effective? Has it lost touch with the ground?

Policies, no matter how academically good, have to be democratically debated and approved by its Citizens as represented by MPs.

Of course not everything is perfect but being heard and having being served by a good servant leader is something one have to be seriously consider…

Vote wisely, the choice is yours as Singaporeans themselves have to make it a better place to live, work and play.
5 years term is always a good opportunity…to try new things or to stick with the safe choice? Then again you never try…you never know…

In the meantime, enjoy this interesting spoof video.